On Thu, 03 Mar 2011 00:21:27 -0800, Bosco D wrote : <<< Santosh is requested to 
provide proof where
Bosco has "told us that Goanet was a better research forum than
Transparency International with Gulf-trained experts such as Ferdinando and his
6 friends who want to tell the nurses who thought they were mediocre that they
have achieved more than the peons." >>>


RESPONSE : To Bosco & Santosh, Thank you ; but no thanks ! I
detest false advertisements or any advertisements at all. I am not
“Gulf-trained”. On the contrary, I have imparted my medical training in
countries around the Persian Gulf like Iran, U.A.E. & Qatar. My medical
training is not from countries about the Persian Gulf !

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


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