[1]  < jc> wrote :  He (Ferdinando) certainly has not claimed PG
degrees - hence cannot legitimately claim to be a Professor
like Santoshbab is .... and a highly acknowledged and recognised one
at that..... at one of the world's leading medical schools (read

[2] Ferdinando commented : A competent professional is capable of
defending himself. He does not require support from his colleagues, or
worse still, from lay people who have inadequate knowledge of the
topic being discussed. This type of attitude resembles Goan
politicians and their sycophants who are reciprocated with some

[3] Ferdinando also wrote: I have already given <jc> once "Funkot"
tuition on the correct usage of Oxford English. If he was unable to
get the "training", I am unable to help further.

Dear Fernando,

I agree with your comments in #2 above. That there is no relevance to
the point I made in #1 above, is not surprising.

After all, there has been many an acknowledged 'tuition-walla' in a
subject he might possibly "use well" but one which he is plain unable
to comprehend.

BTW: are you confirming that you are not as highly qualified and
capable a teacher, researcher, scientist and professor of medicine as

If not, allow me to confirm it for you.

Besht only.


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