On Monday, 27 March 2017 04:06:17 UTC+3, Mandolyte wrote:
> I agree that it makes the suitable trade-offs. And Linq is doing pretty 
> well without generics (https://github.com/ahmetb/go-linq); not familiar 
> with Rx.
> When I consider the dilemma, the two things I don't want are slow 
> programmers and slow execution, leaving "slow compilers and bloated 
> binaries". But here is how I think about this option:
> - There are alternatives that only impact compiler speed if they are 
> actually used. I think that's fair.

The unfortunate reality is that when you add generics to a language it will 
be almost impossible to avoid it.

And the dilemma is not a binary-yes-no... e.g. would you give 100x 
performance to have fast programmers, fast execution and no code-bloat... 
or would you give 10% performance for medium speed programmers, fast 
execution and some code-bloat?

It's better to view the dilemma as a rating system. As a facilitated 

1. convenience: 0/10
2. code size: 10/10
3. performance: 10/10
4. flexibility: 10/10
5. readability: 5/10

1. convenience: 4/10
2. code size: 0/10
3. performance: 2/10
4. flexibility: 6/10
5. readability: 8/10

*type-level generics with boxing:*
1. convenience: 7/10
2. code size: 0/10
3. performance: 5/10
4. flexibility: 8/10
5. readability: 1/10

*package-level generics with out-of-bounds boxing:*
1. convenience: 6/10
2. code size: 3/10
3. performance: 8/10
4. flexibility: 5/10
5. readability: 7/10

*Obviously, do not take these numbers seriously.*

- There are alternatives that result in binaries hardly any larger than if 
> you copy-pasted. Again, I think that's reasonable.

Here you are making a trade-off... it's not just about size, but also about 
performance. More code means more icache misses.

The main point is that *"there are approaches that produce less code than 
copy-pasting"*. So ideally we want smaller binaries than you would get from 

As I understand it, the package template approaches fall into this camp. So 
> with the above restrictions, count me in favor of slow and bloated :-)

Not necessarily. I suspect it will be faster to compile than most generics 
packages and similarly dealing with bloat will be easier.

> On Sunday, March 26, 2017 at 9:08:20 AM UTC-4, Egon wrote:
>> On Sunday, 26 March 2017 15:30:30 UTC+3, Mandolyte wrote:
>>> @Bakul - is your approach documented in Egon's collection? I think it is 
>>> essentially the same as Egon's at
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/golang-nuts/JThDpFJftCY/1MqzfeBjvT4J
>>> Perhaps your syntax is cleaner, simpler. I also like this general 
>>> approach. In Egon's document, this approach has nearly no downsides.
>> Depending what do you want to use generics for, there are significant 
>> downsides. Mainly, you cannot create chained general purpose functions... 
>> e.g. LINQ, Rx... *in the summary document see problems "functional code" 
>> and "language extensions".*
>> You could argue that using such approaches is not good for Go... but this 
>> wouldn't invalidate that this generics approach doesn't solve these 
>> problems nicely.
>> You are always making trade-offs.
>> *Personally, I think it makes trade-offs that are suitable to Go... but I 
>> understand why people would disagree with it.*

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