On Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 12:02:39 AM UTC+8, JuciÊ Andrade wrote:
> Any memory management strategy costs time. Reference counting is not 
> cheap. Incrementing and decrementing millions of reference counters costs 
> time. Please consider caching issues as well.
> Go GC, as it currently stands, is very effective, as other people in this 
> forum can confirm to you. Several Gigs of data and the only way to perceive 
> any performance impact is by generating a profile chart! 

In fact, the need to ARC is not efficiency, it is predictability and 
consistency instead.
And I don't expect ARC to be the main memory collect way, but I think it 
can be a supplement.
For example, maybe two types, sync.Pointer and sync.WeakPointer can be 

> Only a practical test, tailored to your case, could tell if Go GC could 
> degrade your fps. If by any chance you find a challenging situation I am 
> sure the Go Team would be very eager to investigate, because it is 
> increasingly difficult to find new challenges to the GC.
> On Friday, May 12, 2017 at 11:55:36 AM UTC-3, T L wrote:
>> On Thursday, May 11, 2017 at 8:48:05 PM UTC+8, JuciÊ Andrade wrote:
>>> Maybe a 100µs GC would be fast enough for you to be at easy with your 
>>> game FPS.
>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/golang-dev/garbage$20collector$20microseconds%7Csort:relevance/golang-dev/Ab1sFeoZg_8/_DaL0E8fAwAJ
>> The 100µs is STW duration. I mean the fps may decrease some during the 
>> period of GC running.
>>> On Friday, May 5, 2017 at 12:10:01 AM UTC-3, T L wrote:
>>>> ARC would be a better option for game apps than GC, to keep the fps 
>>>> stable.

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