On Thursday, April 5, 2018 at 6:32:46 PM UTC-4, matthe...@gmail.com wrote:
> I think if it is not popular until 2020, it will never be popular.
> I’m not sure popularity is a shared goal in the community; the original 
> goal is to solve problems at Google. 

> Matt

But it solves the common problem in the IT industry.
Before Go, there are only two popular choices to do backend progrmaming, 
Java (as a compiled langauge) and several dynamic languages.
Now Go presents as an alternative to Java, with many advantages to Java.

> On Thursday, April 5, 2018 at 12:26:19 PM UTC-5, bingj...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Almost 10 years golang appears in the world. 10 years is not a short 
>> duration. I think if it is not popular until 2020, it will never be popular.
>> Golang is designed for cloud and internet areas. Really?
>> The creators of golang have a lot of experience in C and C++. And golang 
>> borrows features from C and C++. But C and C++ do not fit the requirements 
>> of cloud and internet areas.
>> Let's look at two popular programming languages java and php. What is the 
>> most important features of these two languages? Simple, ugly but 
>> practical... I find one feather: they are both not just programming 
>> languages but also platforms. They are almost the same in Windows and 
>> Linux. That's why java and php are very popular in recent days.
>> C and C++ are just pure programming languages, not platforms. On Unix and 
>> Windows, C and C++ are very different. A developer of windows C++ is not a 
>> developer of UNIX C++, and a Linux C developer is not a Windows C developer.
>> If golang wants to be widely used by developer all over the world before 
>> 2020, it must learn some thing from java and php, must be a 
>> programming-language-is-a-platform.
>> Until now, programs written in golang still does not have binary 
>> distribution format like jar, dll or so. People have to share libraries by 
>> source code. It is so foolish.
>> Yes, Golang is very like C and C++, which are only pure programming 
>> language, But this times, we need "language as/is platform" technologies, 
>> just like php and java.
>> I have watched golang for many years, but never turn to it. Why? I think 
>> it is still semi-finished product. Creators of golang are researchers, not 
>> engineers, they worked too slow.

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