On Sunday, 28 October 2018 01:58:56 UTC+2, Scott Cotton wrote:
> [ ... ]
> Then a cross platform App would just implement for each platform.  That 
> would be more work for app writers but provide more support for optimal 
> UIs, but then you'd know that on this platform, these accounts are here and 
> passwords are managed by XYZ and .... I think many apps do this in  C/C++, 
> and/or a mix of languages (C#, swift, js, ...).    
> That way lies Window Registry (madness?). Does the real answer lie in 
that? It has not yet been found to be so.

> Fyne looks nice, as Robert Engels pointed out, but it has a dependency on 
> some parts in C and it's not clear (upon perusal) how to 
> access platform specific stuff.  Good place to roll out something cross 
> platform.
> My clearly uneducated thoughts go to exp/shiny (disclosure: the Plan 9 
ancestry appeals to me) and HTML-5 which I know nothing about. Are there 
other alternatives?


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