On Monday, October 29, 2018 at 11:48:06 AM UTC+1, Laurent Moussault wrote:
> IMHO there is vacuum right-now, an opportunity for a native framework that 
> allows the same design freedom as web interfaces, but implemented directly 
> on top of the OSes (and Vulkan, probably). I think something like flutter, 
> but implemented in a more mainstream language (and supporting the desktop), 
> would have a shot at success. A GUI framework that does not come with a 
> complete set of ready-to-use widgets and containers (as in traditional 
> native UIs), but allows to easily design custom ones, with beautiful 
> layouts. This is, obviously, a huge amount of work...
I'm glad you think that; I happen to be working on such an UI library :) 
Its core is 100% Go, and it only uses Cgo for the necessary integration 
with the low level OS primitives, input, window management and GPU access 
(OpenGL ES for now). My library is also inspired by Flutter: it took a lot 
of work to get into a usable state, but is now very portable and flexible. 
My other inspiration is imgui: I hope that getting rid of the implicit  
widget hierarchy will result in UI programs that are much easier to 
maintain and keep bug free.

 - elias

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