
        • 1. 
important, serious, or significant.

so I’ll apologize for my transpose, and I’ll ask it in your exact words, please 
name a significant new project in the last 2 years that wasn’t written in Java 
or C++ because it seems by your quote

> Fortunately for the mankind both C++ and Java are dying
> (no significant new projects announced for over 2 yrs afaik).

you are claiming that they are dying, and by corollary, others must not be 
(because if they all are, it is meaningless statement of comparison).

Maybe by citing these new projects that you consider significant we can better 
understand the types of projects you have in mind (in reference to my other 
email regarding focus).

> On Jun 30, 2019, at 3:38 AM, Wojciech S. Czarnecki <> wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Jun 2019 18:25:37 -0500
> Robert Engels <> wrote:
>> What exactly are you basing your incorrect opinions on? 
>> When you use terms like ‘major’ do you mean important,
>> infrastructure critical, number of users, number of developers?
>> Maybe as a frame of reference you can name a single
>> ‘major’ 
> Strawman. I mentioned neither 'major' nor any other things
> you are relating to. I was precise as to the scope:
>>>  no significant new projects announced for over 2 yrs afaik
> Note the very word **NEW**. 
>> Maybe as a frame of reference you can name a single
>> ‘major’ application that was not developed in these languages
>> that was released in the last 2 years?
> What? I just said I can not name a one. I also said that what is being
> developed (maintained, enhanced) in both languages possibly will
> live for the century. At least until AI will be able to make unattended
> transpilation. 
> -- 
> Wojciech S. Czarnecki
> << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE
> -- 
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