I'm new to WebAssembly and am trying to get Go to generate a bitmapped 
image to display in the Web browser.  Here's what I've come up with so far:

func DrawPicture(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
        // Create a canvas on the Web page.
        const width = 256
        const height = 256
        canvas := js.Global().Get("document").Call("getElementById", 
        canvas.Set("width", width)
        canvas.Set("height", height)
        canvas.Set("style", "border: thin solid black")
        ctx := canvas.Call("getContext", "2d")
        ctx.Call("clearRect", 0, 0, width, height)

        // Render a picture.
        imgData := ctx.Call("createImageData", width, height)
        data := imgData.Get("data")
        for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
                for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
                        ofs := 4 * (y*width + x)
                        data.SetIndex(ofs+2, x+y)
                        data.SetIndex(ofs+3, 255)
        ctx.Call("putImageData", imgData, 0, 0)
        return nil

My question is: Is SetIndex 
<https://golang.org/pkg/syscall/js/#Value.SetIndex> the most efficient way 
to write the image's pixels?  I see that syscall/js 
<https://golang.org/pkg/syscall/js/> provides a CopyBytesToJS 
<https://golang.org/pkg/syscall/js/#CopyBytesToJS> function, but I was 
unable to get that to work because the image data is a Uint8ClampedArray
 and CopyBytesToJS expects a Uint8Array.  I kept trying to populate a Go 
[]byte and transfer that to the image but never succeeded in making that 

— Scott

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