On Aug 20, 2020, at 5:27 PM, Ian Lance Taylor <i...@golang.org> wrote:
> After many discussions and reading many comments, we plan to move
> forward with some changes and clarifications to the generics design
> draft.
> 1.
> We’re going to settle on square brackets for the generics syntax.
> We’re going to drop the “type” keyword before type parameters, as
> using square brackets is sufficient to distinguish the type parameter
> list from the ordinary parameter list.  To avoid the ambiguity with
> array declarations, we will require that all type parameters provide a
> constraint.  This has the advantage of giving type parameter lists the
> exact same syntax as ordinary parameter lists (other than using square
> brackets).  To simplify the common case of a type parameter that has
> no constraints, we will introduce a new predeclared identifier “any”
> as an alias for “interface{}”.


> 2.
> We’re going to simplify the rule for type list satisfaction.  The type
> argument will satisfy the constraint if the type argument is identical
> to any type in the type list, or if the underlying type of the type
> argument is identical to any type in the type list.  What we are
> removing here is any use of the underlying types of the types in the
> type list.  This tweaked rule means that the type list can decide
> whether to accept an exact defined type, other than a predeclared
> type, or whether to accept any type with a matching underlying type.
> This is a subtle change that we don’t expect to affect any existing
> experimental code.
> We think that this definition might work if we permit interface types
> with type lists to be used outside of type constraints.  Such
> interfaces would effectively act like sum types. That is not part of
> this design draft, but it’s an obvious thing to consider for the
> future.
> Note that a type list can mention type parameters (that is, other type
> parameters in the same type parameter list).  These will be checked by
> first replacing the type parameter(s) with the corresponding type
> argument(s), and then using the rule described above.

Still uncomfortable with this. Will try to expand on this in a separate

> 3.
> We’re going to clarify that when considering the operations permitted
> for a value whose type is a type parameter, we will ignore the methods
> of any types in the type list.  The general rule is that the generic
> function can use any operation permitted by every type in the type
> list.  However, this will only apply to operators and predeclared
> functions (such as "len" and "cap").  It won’t apply to methods, for
> the case where the type list includes a list of types that all define
> some method.  Any methods must be listed separately in the interface
> type, not inherited from the type list.
> This rule seems generally clear, and avoids some complex reasoning
> involving type lists that include structs with embedded type
> parameters.

You seem to be saying a generic function can use operator X only if
if *every* type in the type list implements it. Thus if I have

        type foo interface { int; someSLice }

I can't use + and I can't use len(), right?

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