On Friday, 21 August 2020 20:15:46 UTC+2, burak serdar wrote:
> [...] 

> I don't see why anybody would find it attractive as a return type. People 
> don't use the empty interface because they like it so much, but because Go 
> doesn't have parametric polymorphism / "generics" yet. There are many 
> programming languages that have a named top type and it is rarely abused. 
> Programmers want to write type safe code if they can. 
> I disagree. Especially people coming from other languages with a 
> strong emphasis on DRY tend to overuse interface{}, many times 
> incorrectly, and generics will not fix that. "any" will make it more 
> attractive, because it no longer looks like an interface. I agree that 
> this is a hypothetical problem at this point without any actual 
> complaints from developers. But defining an alias "any" is easy if you 
> need it. Providing one predefined is endorsing its use. 

Adopting Go because people adopted bad habits in other languages
is probably not a good idea. Fanatic DRY is a bad idea in any
language and if somebody wants to footgun himself by premature
DRY ing up he will be as able with interface{}  as with any.

I find a predefined any very sensible.


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