Dnia 2021-03-17, o godz. 02:57:15
mortdeus <mortd...@gmail.com> napisał(a):

> This ad should have never been put up to begin with

Every time I go to sites with this banner I am being reminded of what have
happened to this once democratic country. And not to this country alone.

> this community is far more important (and far larger) than America's general 
> incapability to get along with one another.

Not "general incapability", but incapability of some 40% deluded by the Big 

> Honestly when I saw the ad a few weeks before the election it seriously broke 
> my heart.

If it pains, it works as intended.

> this community being impartial to the radical notion that we have to be
> willing to accept even white supremacists into our ranks, if they like to
> code in the best

What about liars, rapists, murderers? Are they ok just because they *like*
to code? No, never! Healthy community shuns off toxic elements. 

> loving and deliberately NON-PARTISANLY inclusive community structure

Inclusiveness and tolerance may not, and happily in tech communities now
does not, extend to individuals set at destroying either or both.

> that ultimately allows us to defeat them at their own game.

Empowering evil with tech knowledge diminishes moral people chances to prevail.

> All I am saying is we need to take down the "conservatives not welcome here" 
> sign.

Cult of amorality and "supremacy" is contrary to everything that "conservative" 
This is not the only word stolen by nazis, but its theft pains me the most.

> And if me saying that offends you

It does not offend me, I really enjoyed it — it acknowledged that not all 
people sold
on "fake-right" propaganda feel right. What means that some fogged souls can yet
be saved. Mankind invented ostracism exactly for such purposes: to correct 
behaviors in a non-violent way.

EOT. This list is not meant for peddling "fake-right" propaganda.
"Evil not welcome here" sign is at the right place. Let it stay.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lie

Wojciech S. Czarnecki
 << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE

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