On Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 3:12:13 AM UTC Dan Kortschak wrote:

The Mozilla FAQ https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/FAQ/ appears to 
think it's OK. 

> Q13: May I combine MPL-licensed code and BSD-licensed code in the 
> same executable program? What about Apache? 
> Yes to both. Mozilla currently does this with BSD-licensed code. For 
> example, libvpx, which is used in Firefox to decode WebM video, is 
> under a BSD license.

That is the other way around, not the situation under discussion. i.e. 
There is a difference
between Apache input1 + MPL input2 -> MPL (for the combined output work), 
Apache input1 + MPL input2 -> Apache licensed combination.  The wikipedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Public_License is fairly clear that 
if you put the output under Apache, it is not really under Apache, because 
the MPL
files have to still be under MPL. All you've really done at that point is 
to mislead the developer who
uses your stuff into thinking that they have fewer compliance requirements 
they actually do.

"Recipients can combine licensed source code 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_code> with other files 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_file> under a different, even 
proprietary license, thereby forming a "larger work" which can be 
distributed under any terms, but again the MPL-covered source files must be 
made freely available.[7] 

where the footnote is:
[7] https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/FAQ/ 

Anyway. People divide into two camps on this. If you are working on open 
source software, 
you don't care. You can afford to be sloppy with the licensing. Nobody is 
going to come after
you because you work is open source in the end.

Commercial developers just avoid MPL and any uncertainty, and get on with 
their work. Nobody
bothers to talk about it because it an issue just best avoided by not using 
MPLed software at all.

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