Just my(newbie of GC) guess:

In the mark stage,
- GC find s1's finalizer and invoke scanobject to scan s1
- then find s2 and queue it to be scanned
- then find s1

Avoid SetFinalizer reference s1 

在2023年11月5日星期日 UTC+8 23:01:14<Soren Yang> 写道:

> As shown in the following code:
> cyclic structure with finalizer <https://go.dev/play/p/Fn_h08y-L6b>
> The s1 & s2 didn't been free, and finalizer didn't run. But when enable 
> the line which have been commented, all run as expected(s1 & s2 been free)。
> I have seen the comment in runtime.SetFinalizer: If a cyclic structure 
> includes a block with a finalizer, that cycle is not guaranteed to be 
> garbage collected and the finalizer is not guaranteed to run, because there 
> is no ordering that respects the dependencies.
> But why it haven't been free in first code?

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