Does this behaviour mean that, those memory will never be freed and keep 
piling on ? That can be disastrous.

On Monday, November 6, 2023 at 3:39:50 PM UTC+5:30 Jan wrote:

> For what it's worth, a bit of "memory management" on structures in many 
> cases is very ok (not sure if in your case). So for your cyclic structure 
> with finalizers, requiring the user of your code to call some "Finalize()" 
> method (some destructor method you define) that manually breaks the cycle, 
> often is an ok solution. Fundamentally, it's the same as requiring someone 
> to call Close() on an opened file (or any other resource, like sockets, db 
> connections, etc).
> As an anecdote, previously when I was doing C++ I was a big fan of 
> referenced counted smart pointers (`shred_ptr<>`), which gets most of the 
> benefit of GC, but with a much lower cost. They required manually breaking 
> cycles, which I didn't find to be an issue at all in the great majority of 
> the cases.
> On Monday, November 6, 2023 at 11:01:04 AM UTC+1 Jan wrote:
>> I was very surprised by this behavior of SetFinalizer: and indeed if you 
>> remove the SetFinalizer one can see that s1 is freed, because the memory 
>> reported by `m.HeapAlloc` goes back down.
>> I think you already have the answer: the block that has the cycle (s1 and 
>> s2) have a SetFinalizer set, and it will never run, per documentation (I 
>> had never paid attention to this).
>> A suggestion to work around would be to move the stuff that needs a 
>> "Finalizer" to a leaf node, as in:
>> But I understand this is not a solution if the finalizer needs to access 
>> the S1 (so, if the finalizer function needs any information that is not 
>> self-contained in `S1Data` in my example).
>> On Sunday, November 5, 2023 at 4:01:14 PM UTC+1 Soren Yang wrote:
>>> As shown in the following code:
>>> cyclic structure with finalizer <>
>>> The s1 & s2 didn't been free, and finalizer didn't run. But when enable 
>>> the line which have been commented, all run as expected(s1 & s2 been free)。
>>> I have seen the comment in runtime.SetFinalizer: If a cyclic structure 
>>> includes a block with a finalizer, that cycle is not guaranteed to be 
>>> garbage collected and the finalizer is not guaranteed to run, because there 
>>> is no ordering that respects the dependencies.
>>> But why it haven't been free in first code?

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