On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 04:52:30PM -0700, Phil Carmody wrote:
> --- Ala Qumsieh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > http://www.bagley.org/~doug/shootout/bench/regexmatch/regexmatch.perl
> > > ?
> > 
> > I couldn't understand what's the purpose of the
> > shootout? Performance? Character count?
> Their purpose was performance. Perl was a bit far down the list of results,
> IMHO. However, I thought that it should all be squeezed onto one line at the
> same time as making it faster through regexp trickery perhaps.
> For example, it took half a second of thought to work out how to double 
> the speed of the "hash" perl program, for example, so they've really not 
> ever tried to make the perl fast. Shameful distrespect for the language!

"For this test, each program should be implemented in the same way."


  Tests That Call For Implementations To Be Written The Same Way

  For some tests, I will specify that they be written using the same logic
  and data structures.  The goal of this kind of test is to try to measure
  languages doing the same operations, as closely as possible.  (Since
  functional languages have such a different mode of expression, I allow
  them more leeway).

  I find this kind of test useful when I am considering questions like "Is
  array subscripting faster in Perl or Python?", or "Are hash table
  insert/lookup operations faster in Tcl or Ruby?".  An example of this
  kind is the Sieve of Eratosthenes test.

  Since the purpose of the same way tests is to try to compare, side by
  side, the same kind of operation in one language as in another, they
  often use code that is naive and unidiomatic by design.


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