Hello Riley!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (J. Riley Bryant) wrote:

> My math is a bit rusty, so I wanted people to double-
> check any mistakes I may have made...

Looks like math is ok.

>= 0.99999999988148537165638680164463

Yes, and probability of failure is less than 1e-107
for 1..1e7 loop.

> Now the pertinent question:
> Does a solution with this probability *really* violate rule #3?
> I would wager that it's more likely that our "perfect" computer
> would get struck by lightening than our output not being correct.
> And what if we were able to generate permutations 1e100 times?

This question worries me too.   Ton, please clarify.

> P.s. - Mtve - Sorry to message you directly. I seem to be having
> major problems posting to the newsgroup. Is it just me or is this
> universally true? If this doesn't go through, would you mind
> posting this message for me?

I reply to your message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] via nntp (many thanks to Ask!)

But yes, mail seems too unreliable nowadays.  Maybe I'll set up some
online forum.  And there is always #perlgolf channel on ircnet, where
every golfer gets op :)

> P.p.s - mtve

My solution in fact may suffer from genrule #2, its approximate run time
of worst case on Pentium 100 is around 3 days while content length was 4.

Congratulations to Juho, who is the true winner of this golf
if we drop cheaters :)

Mtv Europe

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