Hello Roie!

Thanks for the statistic help!

roiem wrote:

>> I think there's a bug in your f(n) =
>> 1-(n!-1)/n!^1e6: What you're saying is that
>> f(n) = 1-[probability of generating only n!-1
>> permutations, 1e6 times]. But that doesn't take
>> into account the choice you have to make, which
>> will be the permutation that you won't generate.
>> This means that your chances of success are
>> actually less than what you expected.

>> For example, let's say n=2, and instead of 1e6
>> we'll use four. You're going to make four random
>> permutations, with n!^4=2^4=16 different possible
>> results. There are however two results that don't
>> match (ab ab ab ab and ba ba ba ba), so your
>> probability of success is only 14/16=7/8, and not
>> 15/16 as the above formula (1/(1/2)^4) would
>> suggest.

I think I still need a little help with this
argument. Let me explain how I see it a little
better, and maybe that'll show where I'm may be

My actual f(n) is 1-((n!-1)/n!)^1e6). I think the
way you wrote it, order of precedence makes it
quite different. (Don't exponents normally take
precedence over division?) Regardless, it doesn't
look like it changed your calculations...

Again, using 4 tries instead of 1e6...

My f(n) is supposed to be: 1 minus the
probability that there's a permutation that I won't
randomly choose. The probability that I will not
choose a certain permutation is ((n!-1)/n!)^4

Now looking at your example, I agree that there
are 16 different ways to order the possible output,
2 of which lack all permutations:

Let ab = 0 and ba = 1

0000  0100  1000  1100  
0001  0101  1001  1101
0010  0110  1010  1110
0011  0111  1011  1111

So I think the problem may be that ((n!-1)/n!)^4 is
the probabilty that I will not choose any one
particular item. But I need the probability that
I won't choose ANY particular item!

make f(n) = 1 - (n * ((n!-1)/n!)^x)

so in our case f(n) = 1 - (2 * (1/2)^4), yeilding
the desired 14/16.

Thanks for all the help, Roiem!
Does this seem like a better f(n)??


Out of curosity I re-calculated f(n) for 1..8 to see
how different my values might be. Again I ran into
calculator problems...

f(1) = 1 - (1 * (0/1)^1e6) = 1
f(2) = 1 - (2 * (1/2)^1e6) = (really close to 1)
f(7) = 1 - (7 * (5039/5040)^1e6) = (really close to 1)
f(8) = 1 - (8 * (40319/40320)^1e6) = 0.99999999986455471045756252410042

(New f(8) = 0.99999999986455471045756252410042)
(Old f(8) = 0.99999999998306933880719531551255)

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