On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 10:13 +0000, Jasper wrote: > Now, as an afterthought, am I the only person to have missed the > perlgolf history book, and the only person who submitted a score that > didn't have something like : $;.=5x$_*8%29628
No. Look at \'anick for example (poor \'anick :) I had once toyed with roman numbers for a local perlgolf, and remembered that there were already some solutions out there, which I quickly found via google. I feel stupid for not realizing that the s/\w+/${$&}/ was optimizable. But then, I only had half a day to spend on the golf. Thanks for the game! CU, Sec -- It is easy to be blinded to the essential uselessness of computers by the sense of accomplishment you get from getting them to run at all. -- Douglas Adams