Michael, what an amazing story. I laughed, I cried, I moved you back down to 21. Just kidding!

Thank you all for playing! It was an awesome golf! Hope to join in on the next public golf.

ps, winners will be contacted shortly (or already have been) to receive their prizes!

Michael Wrenn wrote:
Yanick Champoux wrote:
Stefan `Sec` Zehl said:
No. Look at \'anick for example (poor \'anick :)

May I be the first to second that!

poor, poor \'anick!

He sets a fine example, doesn't he!
   Yeah. Whoever wrote that "the one who doesn't learn from history is
condemned to repeat it" was wildly optimistic. *sigh*

   But nevermind that blunderific overlook of the Great Thome of Golfic
Knowledge. Nevermind an obscenely tumefied forehead, caused by repeated
percussions against my desk during the ever-excruciating quest for the
next shaved stroke. What really make me wail like a tax-audited banshee
is that the referee just went through the last of the pending entries,
allowing m.wrenn to sneak one stroke ahead of me and bump me off the
top 20, literally yanking the prized t-shirt off my clenched fists.

First banshee mention of the entire contest! You should win a prize! :-)

OK! Here's what happened to me ... I went out to get some dinner and returned to check on my solid 20th Place (securing a prized Fonality/trixbox T-shirt) ... when what to my wondering eyes should appear, but \'anick the Canuck who was now TWO STROKES CLEAR! I CURSEd and I SHOUTed and I called him some names| That Bastr/a//d! That foo|bird! That Flamingo again!!! I'll catch him! I'll pass him! I'll beat him this time! I'll punk him! I'll twizzle and addle his brain! To the top of the board! Past Juho and ton! Now slash away, slash away, slash away all!

When I came to, I was still one stroke back and all my hair had been yanked out and deposited on the floor next to me. That \'akinc! It was after 1AM and I needed inspiration. I went into my closet and tried on all of my T-shirts ... None of them fit! I needed a NEW one!

So, I had another beer (a nice Belgian one) and kept at it and just before 2AM, I saw the light! An extremely obvious 2 stroker that I had tried earlier in a slightly different form. I could feel that feeling of cotton ...
   m.wrenn, if you are on this list, consider my fist -- yes, that same
fist that you so fiendishly robbed from its prize -- shaked in barely
supressed fury in your general direction. And mark my words: one day, I
shall have my revenge upon thee!

My general direction is South to you! (not to be confused with those Netherlanderthaliens). I can almost see your fist ... wait ... no ... that's the Statue of Liberty ... my bad!

I am pleased to know you are after me! No one ever cared about me as much as you! I am touched by your kind words and your touching sentiment! But, please don't get too close.
     Oh, and many thanks to the referee and Fonality for the course. It
was a blast!


Oh \'anick! Forever Joyful \'anick!

Thanks to Fonality and, of course, Samy Kamkar, for the course!

I was up at 3AM to see the board change to the Post-Mortem with my T-shirt hanging in the balance. I was at work at 11:30 before I "officially" won, when the front page results changed me from 21 to 20.

poor \'anick!

All the best in 2007!


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