Request deadline? I've not been exceeding any request deadline. I'm
getting this a lot now:


      09-04 12:01PM 00.892 /showsort/list-- 500 10455ms 0cpu_ms 0kb
Mozilla/5.0 (en-us) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1
      See details - - [04/Sep/2009:12:01:11 -0700] "GET /showsort/
list-- HTTP/1.1" 500 0 - "Mozilla/5.0 (en-us) AppleWebKit/525.13
(KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1 Safari/525.13,gzip(gfe)"

      W 09-04 12:01PM 11.348

      Request was aborted after waiting too long to attempt to service
your request. Most likely, this indicates that you have reached your
simultaneous active request limit. This is almost always due to
excessively high latency in your app. Please see for more details.


the problem with this is when I check my Quota page, I'm way, WAY
below my limit. There are only two things that show any sign of being
used by the quotas:

CPU Time                4%      0.27 of 6.50 CPU hours  Okay

Deployments     2%      6 of 250        Okay

Everything else is at 0%.

My requests are:

Requests                0%      201 of 1333328  Okay

If I've reached my "simultaneous active request limit", somehow...
where would I even be able to see that? I'm thinking that's a false
alarm. Especially as my app really is not that taxing, at all. The
vast majority of the processing for it (the graphics/UI processing) is
done through GWT on the client side.

On Sep 4, 11:57 am, Toby Reyelts <> wrote:
> Unfortunately, when you exceed the request deadline, you can lose your logs
> for that request. I would suggest paring your RPC down to the very bare
> minimum, so that you're not exceeding the deadline, then adding in logic and
> logging timings as you go. You should then be able to narrow things down to
> the slow operations which are causing you problems.

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