Hi Corneliu!

I also had doubts about using JDO in GAE when I started to work with
it. Especially because I met several bugs and it was annoying and time
wasting to figure out what was going wrong. But then the bugs were
fixed in the next release, so I think the guys are generally doing a
good job.

About the limitation with the non-existing property, you are right. It
seems to me that JDO will create a property with a null value once you
declare and map it. Do you have a real-life scenario where this
limitation is an issue that you cannot overcome with the features
provided by JDO? I think if you really need to have some entities
having some properties, and others not, and still use JDO, then you
could try to map different classes to the same database entity, with
different properties defined in the classes. I have never tried that
though, so I am not sure if it would work, and definitely would not be

About mapping collections with many entities inside, I think I just
wouldn't do it. If the collection is too big to be effectively loaded
into memory, then you are right to be using queries instead. In this
case you should not map it as a collection, but handle the parent-
child relationship explicitly. But still, collection mapping can be a
convenient option if you have only a small number of entities in your
collection. This does not make JDO less flexible, on the contrary, it
introduces an extra service.

Your idea about processing just part of the results at once in a query
seems to be okay. I think a similar approach is described to handle
pagination of large result sets somewhere in the forums.

As for me, I would not recommend you to create your own data access
layer using the low level API unless you really need it or you really
do not need any of the features that JDO provides. It still provides
some convenient features that you would have to live without or
reimplement if you decide not to use JDO (starting with mapping java
classes to persistent storage, which I think is a good thing). Most of
the problems you mentioned are not solved by using the low level API
anyway, so if you want to create some classes that make data access
easier for you applications then you can build them on top of JDO as
well, without any major drawbacks.

And as final reason why to use JDO, these guys who wrote the docs
recommended to do so, and they must have some reason to say that. :)

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