> Other than productivity, I feel JDO code doesn't have the
> expressiveness of the Low Level code.  You find yourself with JDO code
> adding annotations to influence the code, but these annotations don't
> really say what you're trying to do.

Why not give examples of what you mean here?

Using the JDO API means your persistence code is portable to other
datastores. Using the lowlevel API means it isn't.

As always, look at the list of pros and cons and decide based on your
own application needs and future plans. There is no "right" answer so
no point in pretending there is. In your case you say you don't plan
on porting anywhere else, hence using the lowlevel API makes sense for
you (as long as there isn't an amount of effort in learning it when
already familiar with JDO).

> JDO was designed for a regular relational database

No it wasn't; the whole concept of JDO is datastore-independence. Yes,
there are some ORM-specific annotations that are added (in JDO2) for
specifics of mapping for RDBMS datastores and some can be adapted to
other "mapped" datastores), but all DataNucleus docs define what is
datastore-independent, and what is specific.

--Andy (DataNucleus)
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