> 1. Without detaching, when you update a field, and later on close the
> PM, the object will be committed regardless. This makes no sense in
> GAE as 99.99% of time you want to control what you commit or not.
> Worse yet if you persist other object and have a transaction, it might
> fail because the objects are in different entity group.

Which is why there are transactions in JDO, and the use of rollback().
How GAE/J want to make use of these is down to them, but this is not a
limitation of JDO.

> 2. To get around #1, you might want to detachCopy the object once it's
> fetched, so that it won't be accidentally committed. However, when the
> object have a child object (or fields that's not in default fetch
> group), detach won't work (when you get child will throw error). You
> need to first get that child, detach it, then use the child as is.
> It's very messy when detaching a object with different types of
> children.

Which is why there are fetch groups in JDO and fetch depth so you, the
user, has full control over what gets detached. You can detach
whatever you need.

> 3. Putting object (that has children) in memcache is even more
> annoying. You can't just put it in memcache, because when it's read,
> you can't get the child. I am not sure if I get the child first then I
> will be able to read it later. I just couldn't make it work.

JDO supports Level2 Cache. This is turned off by default but you could
enable it, to use the memcached feature of GAE/J. This will mean
objects are put into the L2 cache for you, and taken out when you need

> If you change a type of a field, say from Long to Double, you can
> never delete the entries with JDO. You need to fetch the object first,
> then delete it, but you can't fetch it because a ClassCast exception
> will happen. I end up writing low level keys only query and using low
> level API to delete the entities with keys.

This is again not a limitation of JDO. You get the same issue with
RDBMS; you have to migrate your schema. Google could provide a schema
upgrade facility to take an existing schema definition and migrate to
the updated form.

> I can go on but I am tired. :)

I'm tired too ;-)

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