I'm developping an App (fullmetalgalaxy.com) with GWT/AppEngine and
I've got the same error in production server:
“Request was aborted after waiting too long to attempt to service your
request. Most likely, this indicates that you have reached your
simultaneous dynamic request limit. This is almost always due to
excessively high latency in your app. Please see
http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/quotas.html for more details.”

My app may be poorly designed and I'm using a long pooling technique
for server push...
nevertheless I don't understand how I can exceed 30 simultaneous
dynamic request with only few client !

I though that web browser was able to handle only 2 simultaneous
request for a single domain name, if I'm right how can I exceed 30
requests with only few clients (less than 10) ?
Is there any other way to get this error ?

I'm using http filter for a good part of my static resources (mainly
to set cache lifetime), are these requests count as dynamics request ?
If yes, do I have another way to set cache lifetime (at least for
*.nocache.* and *.cache.* patern)

My long pooling request last for 26 sec but spend most of there time
in a “Thread.sleep()”... Are sleeping request count as one for all
simultaneous request ? I guest yes, but what other choice do I have to
do server push on AppEngine ?

Apparently enabling billing let application scale to around 500
request per second... How many in simultaneous dynamic request ? If I
don't exceed free quota, will enabling billing rise the max number of
simultaneous request ?

Thanks for your attention

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