On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 4:15 AM, Attila Szegedi <szege...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I made a new version of the freemarker.jar, with a workaround for this
> problem.
> Download link for new freemarker JAR: <https://sourceforge.net/
> projects/freemarker/files/freemarker/2.3.16/freemarker-gae-pre3.jar/
> download>
> The workaround will delay loading of the
> FreeMarkerJspApplicationContext class as long as possible. It will now
> let the JSP taglibs work in FreeMarker on GAE as long as the custom
> JSP tags are not trying to use either
> JspFactory.getJspApplicationContext() or PageContext.getELContext(). I
> expect majority of taglibs out there fall into this category; those
> that do rely on this functionality though are, for the time being, out
> of luck - until GAE allows our class that implements
> JspApplicationContext through the verifier.
> Ah, great, glad you found a partial workaround, at least.

> Don, since this workaround is only partial, the ultimate solution
> would be to let our FreeMarkerJspApplicationContext through the
> verifier. Do you see any problem with that going forward?
> As I said earlier in this thread, I believe this will be fixed shortly
(most likely in our next release).

If you'd like me to confirm that this works, please provide a compiled
application (or instructions how to compile one) and I will test it out
against our release candidate.


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