> This is strange. SSL connects on port 443, not port 80. Point your browser
> here:
> https://ikai-openid-demo.appspot.com:443

no go under osx:

Firefox and Chrome :  immediately redirect to

Safari:  I get to https://ikai-openid-demo.appspot.com:443/openiddemo
but choosing google to sign in with [wouldn't use anything else you know]
it redirects to

that is what I eventually see under ff and chrome too --
for brevity)
for brevity)

trying something like this fails too and
for brevity)
Error: Server Error
The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.

If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this
error message and the query that caused it.


P.S. Once this gets sorted out, it'd be great if the src were
available as a sample

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