Well, this is one of the major (maybe THE) drawback in
appengine...apps architecture must be designed for the platform much
more than with other kind of solutions.

Thinking a bit more about the original problem, there's a simple
solution for all: you can simply put your Domain Key in each element,
and mark it as a parent for the element as stated in


class Element....{

    @Extension(vendorName="datanucleus", key="gae.parent-pk",
    private Key domainKey;

This way all elements are in the same group of a domain, and
transaction should work as long as you don't manipulate elements from
multiple domains in a single transaction.

Sorry for not stating it on first place, but I forgot abuot it....

On 26 Lug, 13:28, Bill <bill.milli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Lorenzo,
> Certainly, this would work from a technical perspective.  However, it
> is absolutely not right for the problem.  For a variety of reasons,
> Domain and Element need to have a completely unowned relationship.
> I'll explain some of my high-level situation:
> The Domain will be administered by a DomainAdministrator.  This will
> be either me, or someone personally known to me.  For security
> reasons, the DomainAdministrator has *no access* to the Elements that
> "belong" to the Domain.  The DomainAdministrator will also assign
> authenticated users to what we can, for now, call the
> ElementAdministrator role.
> An ElementAdministrator has access to administer Elements within the
> context of assigned Domains.  There may be thousands of Elements
> within a single Domain.  At no time should all the Elements within a
> Domain ever be selected in a single operation.  There would be no
> point!  Also, the security model I've designed will fragment Elements
> further such that a User who is a member of the Domain will have
> access to only some of the Elements in that Domain.
> In fact, one of the primary reasons I'm building the Element the way I
> am is that Elements will be part of the fine-grained security model
> itself.  If a particular piece of data is selected in the system, I
> need to check the user's profile's security elements against the
> security elements baked into the data.  This would necessitate a
> datastore check, possibly in the middle of a transaction.
> If I have to manually twig the transaction on or off because of entity
> groups, I'm defeating years of conventional wisdom on "separation of
> concerns".  I've designed my architecture the way I always have -- I
> want to be able to bring on junior developers who don't have to make
> decisions on low-level things like transactions and security.  To
> separate this concern, I'm using the extremely nice @Transactional
> annotation within spring.  If any service that inherits from my base
> entity service interface is called on its "update()" method, for
> instance, I want the whole thing to be transactional.  It deeply pains
> me that I could easily build this kind of a separated-concern solution
> ten years ago with clunky hand-built libraries for a Weblogic
> production environment, but I can't do it in 2010 with Google App
> Engine.
> The fundamental problem with the concept of the entity group as a
> restriction on transactional operations is that it mandates a
> hierarchy on all operations.  To be part of the entity group and
> thence any operation in the transaction, it says, there must be a hard-
> and-fast "owned" relationship between the entities.  This looks very
> nice on paper, but the problem is that if you're modelling the real
> world, real world entities do not have nice hierarchical
> relationships.  For a very nice explanation of why this is a very
> serious problem in solution design, see Christopher Alexander's
> classic "A City Is Not A Tree" (it's available online for free).
> I've hacked around this for now, with a ten pound sledge hammer and a
> rusty hacksaw.  Using spring interceptors, I've built in an "extra-
> transactional check" layer around my services, outside the aegis of
> the transactional advisor.  This is highly unsatisfactory because now
> my developers are going to have to keep track of what is, and what
> isn't part of the transaction.  The concern is no longer neatly
> separated.  This is de-evolution.
> I absolutely love what leap forward Google App Engine represents in
> terms of building applications.  OTOH, the restrictions of entity
> groups on transaction is a very real obstacle to building "serious"
> business applications!
> Thanks,
> - Bill
> On Jul 26, 3:22 am, "l.denardo" <lorenzo.dena...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > As far as I know there are two possible solutions:
> > *Review the architecture inserting Elements as a list property of your
> > domain, something like
> > @PersistenceCapable
> > class Domain{
> >   private ArrayList<Element> elements;
> > }
> > This works correctly and you get the benefit to have a cascasing
> > delete on elements when you delete the Domain they're part of.
> > This does not seem to have significant drawbacks, as documentation
> > says somewhere Elements are fetched from datastore only if you access
> > the list, and not if you just read the Domain without actually going
> > thru the list.
> > Elements are also queriable without reading the actual Domain they're
> > in.
> > The only thing this architecture seems to impede is finding the domain
> > an element belongs to, given the element, without having complex
> > iterations.
> > * Check if domain exists outside the transaction.
> > If your domains are not deleted during an Element insert this should
> > work.
> > I've gone the first path for my application and benefits in terms of
> > code complexity and maintenance have been worth the effort, anyway it
> > depends on your business logic if that can be right.
> > Regards
> > Lorenzo
> > On Jul 24, 4:04 pm, Bill <bill.milli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I'm quite frustrated with entity groups.  They seem to make the
> > > concept of a transaction largely pointless.
> > > The specific problem I face at this moment is this.  Since the
> > > datastore has no concept of foreign key constraints, I need to do
> > > bounds checking.  Here's the case:
> > > There exists a Domain type, and an Element type.  An Element requires
> > > a reference to a pre-existing Domain in order to function, per my
> > > business rules.  Domains exist independently of Elements, and are
> > > administered separately.  I would characterize their relationship as
> > > "Element has a reference to a required Domain's primary key" rather
> > > than "Element is a child of Domain".
> > > When creating an Element, I need to check that the reference to the
> > > assigned Domain is not bogus.  I do this in my service layer, which is
> > > also where I want to determine transactionality.
> > > The algorithm goes like this:
> > > * start transaction.  Per my current architecture I cannot start this
> > > transaction any later without creating an entirely new non-
> > > transactional business delegate layer that feels like absolute
> > > overkill.
> > > * retrieve Domain by key.  If no such Domain is found, throw an error
> > > * insert Element
> > > * commit
> > > Unfortunately, this causes the dreaded "can't operate on multiple
> > > entity groups in a single transaction" exception.  I'm absolutely
> > > hornswaggled by this, since I'm not "operating" on the Domain.  I just
> > > want to check that it exists!  If this were a destructive change I
> > > were making, I'd kind of -- barely -- see the argument here, but why
> > > on earth is this a problem?  Am I missing something?

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