Rather than rail against jd's rather interesting straw men (I'm
talking about data storage, not blenders, etc.) all I have to say is
this: if it is "improving at an amazing pace" then it is my hope that
this issue will be addressed and fixed by google so that it may
continue to improve at an amazing pace.  I don't see anything amazing
about having to get creative to trick my tools into working.

If they need any help converting apples to oranges, let me see the
source code.  I'm happy to help.

This is the heart of the matter:

> > > In order to check that there is no existing entity with the same key  
> > > before writing an entity the load must be a part of the transaction or  
> > > another request could store an entity with the same key before you  
> > > committed - clobber.
> > Logically this absolutely does not hold water, if the retrieve
> > operation falls within one entity group, and the insert/update happens
> > in a completely different entity group.
> In that case they could not possibly have the same key... as you know
> you must be dealing with entities in a single entity group.

"That's the way it is because that's the way we say it has to be" is
not an answer.  There is no reason why selecting an object from one
group is going to impact insert or update in a different entity group.

To take an example from a recent email, consider the VERY SIMPLE case
of Order-LineItem.  Clearly, each LineItem belongs to the same entity
group as its parent Order.  No problem.  Everybody always loves this
example because it is so easy.  It gives the illusion of system
complexity without actually providing it.

Then, consider the fact that each LineItem refers to a Product.  The
Product does not belong to the Order's entity group.  It belongs to
it's Catalogue's entity group instead.

In order to insert the LineItem, you have to make sure the Product
exists already.  End of story.  There's no way around this.  In an
RBDMs world, this would be accomplished by foreign key constraints.
The GAE datastore can't do this.  That's fine.  I'm prepared for
that.  That's not what I'm complaining about.

What I'm complaining about is really in three parts:

1.  The LineItem can't contain a direct reference to Product.  Product
is not part of the LineItem entity group.  Not a huge problem, becuase
I can just use a key instead.
2.  As such, the underlying datastore has no concept of data
integrity.  Okay, fine, I'll have to do the bounds checking myself.
3.  I can't do the bounds checking within a transaction.  Not because
the result of the get would have anything to do with the upcoming
insert, because of the lack of data integrity.  Instead the datastore
is making assumptions about data it has no control over.  This isn't a
failure of a datastore as compared to an RBDMs, this is a conceptual
error.  To misquote Steven Covey, you shouldn't try to manage
implications of data outside your sphere of influence.  It's bad

and as a kicker,

4.  If I do the bounds checking outside a transaction, it's just as
meaningless as if I did it within the transaction.  What's the
difference, since there are no foreign key constraints that would be
violated if someone changed the result of the select?  What, honestly,
is the point in preventing it?

"It is what it is because that's the way it is" is only an answer if
we're dealing King Canute commanding the ocean tide to turn back.  It
is what it is because that's the way it's made.  I'm asking for
someone to rethink how it's made.  Is that so unreasonable?

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