It's not my benchmark, it's Slim3's :) ...but you're right, it's bogus. I
asked on the main appengine group too, and it turns out the low-level
benchmark is doing lazy loading. With that fixed, their numbers come out
like yours.

I found this one too, which also gets results like yours:

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 4:44 AM, Erwin Streur <> wrote:

> Indeed Dennis's measurements are very suspicious. First you should do
> a couple of warming ups on each of the implementations to prevent
> pollution like the JDO classpath scan for enhanced classes (which is
> one of the reasons for the high initial run). Then do a couple of run
> to determine a range of measurements to spot outlyers. your low-level
> API 2millis is definately one.
> When I did the measurements I got the following results
> low-level: 1150-1550
> Slim3: 1150-1600
> Objectify: 1950-2400
> JDO: 2100-2700
> These measurements confirm that GAE designed implementations are
> faster then the GAE implementation of a generic data access layer
> (JDO), but not so extrem as initially posted.
> The initial response using JDO is a known issue and especially low
> trafic website should not use it or use the always on feature (maybe
> this will change in the new pricing model)
> Regards,
> Erwin
> On Jun 7, 11:00 am, Ian Marshall <> wrote:
> > The low-level API does indeed look very fast.
> >
> > Just a comment on JDO: repeat runs roughly halve the JDO run time. I
> > presume that this is because for repeat runs the JDO persistence
> > manager factory has already been constructed.
> >
> > On Jun 6, 8:44 pm, DennisP <> wrote:
> >
> > > I'm looking at this online demo:
> >
> > > Sample run:
> > > The number of entities: 10000
> > > low-level API:get: 2 millis
> > > Slim3: 2490 millis
> > > JDO: 6030 millis
> >
> > > Is the low-level API really that much faster?
> --
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