Hey Thomas,

Thanks for the reply.

-So are textProperties more efficient than StringProperties because
they're not indexed?

-I noticed something weird: I do not have an index listed in appengine
dashboard for the thumb datastore. Maybe that's what's causing this
problem? To find all the images for a particular item I use back

-I see your point about Memcache & Cache handlers which should help
optimize the system. But Isn't it important to get the basic
functionality straightened out before using those extra tools? This
isn't a very complex operation AT ALL; which is why it is so puzzling
to me that it takes so many resources.

-Wouldn't adding etag--while increasing efficiency if I have the same
users loading the same image again and again--actually decrease
efficiency for users who are opening up an thumbnail for the first
time? In that situation,  I'd have another column for etags in my
datastore being requested w/ every query.

-Could this problem be a result of having two reference properties in
one Model? Also, is back referencing inefficient? Should I instead
just store all the Keys as strings & then query the datastore for all
entries that have that Key?


On Sep 25, 1:52 am, Thomas Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At Google IO I believe it was mentioned that TextProperty's are fine
> for anything that you don't want indexed; They are no less efficient
> than strings for short data. You might want to look into trying that
> out with mime and type if you don't filter/order by them.
> Other than that, I'd suggest trying to memcache the images, something
> to the effect of:
> id = int(id)
> cache_key = 'ImageThumb:%i' % id
> image = memcache.get(cache_key)
> if not image:
>     image = ImageThumb.get_by_id(id)
>     if image:
>         memcache.set(cache_key, image, 3600)
> if image:
>     self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = str(image.mime)
>     self.response.out.write(image.thumb)
> else:
>     self.error(404)
> In addition to that, I'd recommend you generate cache headers, in
> particular etag and expiration. A good idea would be to generate the
> etag when the ImageThumb is created, and then compare against that
> from cache, before you write out the image. As an added bonus you
> could store the etag on it's own in the cache, separate from the
> image, and only pull out the actual image in case the etags don't
> match.
> On Sep 25, 4:59 am, iceanfire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm still having trouble with high-cpu warnings for thumbnails. This
> > time around I took some profiler data to see what's causing it. But
> > before I get into that here is the model i'm using:
> > class ImageThumb(db.Model):
> >   binId = db.IntegerProperty()
> >   thumb = db.BlobProperty(default=None)
> >   building = db.ReferenceProperty(Buildings)
> >   apartment = db.ReferenceProperty(Apartments)
> >   mime = db.StringProperty()
> >   type = db.StringProperty(choices=['Floor Plan','Picture'])
> >   created_by =  db.UserProperty()
> > So here's the Profiler cpu data:
> > 2538 function calls (2472 primitive calls) in 0.028 CPU seconds (rest
> > of the data:http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dgfxff5_30hc9tjsgg)
> > But here's the warning: This request used a high amount of CPU, and
> > was roughly 1.3 times over the average request CPU limit. High CPU
> > requests have a small quota, and if you exceed this quota, your app
> > will be temporarily disabled.
> > Here's the megacycle info from the new Admin console: 1339mcycles 7kb
> > Here's the code that pulls up the data for thumbnails:
> > class Apt_thumb (webapp.RequestHandler):
> >     def get(self,id):
> >                 image = ImageThumb.get_by_id(int(id))
> >                 if image:
> >                         self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 
> > str(image.mime)
> >                         self.response.out.write(image.thumb)
> >                 else:
> >                         self.error(404)
> > The images stored are 4kb each in the datastore. As I said, I had this
> > problem earlier, so I had taken out the full image and put that in its
> > own Model. Clearly that didn't help.
> > Any idea what's causing this high-cpu error & how I can fix it?
> > Thanks!
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