Thanks for the suggestions. I see the need for Cacheing to reduce the
load, but I don't understand why the current request is causing high-
cpu warnings (2 times the average cpu request). At this rate, if a few
first time users use my application & try to open images that haven't
been memcached (etc..).. then my application will crash.

My main question is: why is this request causing a high cpu warning,
and no one has been able to answer that. For a request that only
takes  "0.020 CPU seconds" (according to profiler), appengine sends
out a warning stating that 2463mcycles have been used.

So my question is: how do I completely stop high-cpu warnings for a
request that shouldn't be causing them in the first place?

I understand that there are ways I can mitigate the problem..but i'd
like to get to the root if possible.


On Sep 25, 9:26 am, "Bryan A. Pendleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     -So are textProperties more efficient than StringProperties
> because
>     they're not indexed?
>     You'd have to find the talk from Google IO to be sure. I believe
> it
>     was the one about scalability, in the QA section. But yes, that is
> my
>     understanding.
> As I understand it, every field that's not a TextProperty or a
> BlobProperty are implicitly indexed (this is how all = conditions are
> dealt with in queries). So, whenever you write such an object, it will
> take longer (because of the index updates).
> Another way of thinking about it, is that if you never need to query
> on a single value, make it a TextProperty or BlobProperty, if
> possible.
>     -Wouldn't adding etag--while increasing efficiency if I have the
> same
>     users loading the same image again and again--actually decrease
>     efficiency for users who are opening up an thumbnail for the first
>     time? In that situation,  I'd have another column for etags in my
>     datastore being requested w/ every query.
>     Yes, you absolutely should generate the etag when you save the
>     thumbnail, and save it in the model itself. Caching it separately
> is
>     however still desirable as you can then avoid pulling the rest of
> the
>     data into memory if it's not needed, or you can opt to not cache
> the
>     rest of the data at all, instead only caching the etag, to be more
>     cache friendly.
> A quick and easy hack for this is to generate the etag before creating
> the Thumbnail model instance - and use that etag as the named key.
> Then, you can do lookup and caching based on the etag alone, where
> that makes sense. Unless you have some specific meaning in your ID
> already, this should simplify the "how to deal with etags" question
> quite a bit.
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