Hi Theo,

On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 9:53 PM, theo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to second this, and perhaps offer a bit of clarification.
> 1. Poor documentation.
Wow, I just know this... I'll be more aware from now on.

> 2. Poor uptime compared to commercial services
> Everyone and their mother was atwitter over the S3 downtime some time
> ago.  App Engine regularly has such downtimes.  App Engine is a much
> more complex system to manage, so that is to be expected somewhat,
> still - take that into account.  To partially mitigate this, you can
> follow a few websites:
> cloudstatus.com
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-downtime-notify

I have bookmarked the site and joined the group. Thanks for the references.

> Besides that, the platform is great.  The quotas are amazingly high
> (if you don't hit the high CPU quota).  The really great thing is that
> App Engine (especially with the django helper) is essentially Django,
> so there is little risk in developing for App Engine.  If you find
> that you can't continue to host your project on App Engine, you can
> easily port it over to Django on something like slicehost or AWS.

That's what I'm doing now. Developed it in Django and see if a more reliable
environment to go.

Again, thanks for the great resources. Really appreciate it.



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