Datastore timeouts, which some users on this thread mentioned, are the
most disturbing issue for me at this point.  I'm getting timeouts on
3-5% of all write requests.

This is especially bad if you're using GAE as a back-end data layer
that your front-end server talks to through a REST API.  Each timeout
ties up a thread on your front-end server for 5 seconds, which is kind
of scary, since timeouts on GAE seem to happen in batches - I often
get 5 timeouts in a row one minute and then 5 more in a row 10-20
minutes later, etc., and this continues 24/7.

On Oct 4, 6:20 pm, Nash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Great article Aral,
> My strong suggestion at this stage to anyone considering GAE for a
> production, business use DO NOT USE GAE.
> GAE has significant flaws; these are basic flaws and the time spent
> writing a work-around to these problems is far too great for very
> short internet times.
> Let me add some basic very necessary items (I am going to do a blog
> entry as well on these issues)
> 1. No Bulk Delete/Update: If you ever create a one-to-many or many-to-
> many relation; you will inevitably come to a point when you have to
> remove an object. In doing so, if that object was being referred by
> 400 objects; you have to read, change and write those objects back.
> GAE does not allow you to change that this many objects. A user might
> leave your service, you would want to remove all their data or mark it
> as unavailable. A large tweet comes in, 20,000 followers need to be
> updated. A group gets deleted, all the contacts referring to that
> group need to be updated.
> 2. Random Datastore timeouts: The most annoying issue is that a single
> object read/writeback can sometimes be <1000mc or can be more than
> 5000mc. This random behavior cripples the app and makes it impossible
> to optimize
> 3. The Google Quota Bad: if your app exceeded it's short-term quota
> the punishment is very excessive: a 24 hour ban. This is the worst
> possible action you can take on a dot com: You take it offline.
> 4. No sorting: When using lists, inequalities etc you can't sort on
> multiple properties. You just can't.
> 5. Limited Datastore functionality and very poor workarounds: Want to
> use OR? Sorry, you can't. What to simulate OR in memory? Sorry, your
> process will be killed either because of high quota or long response
> time. Even if you get your app to do it in memory, it is a ticking
> timebomb, it will explode when more users come in. Very unsalable in
> that regard. Want to use two inequalities? Sorry.
> 6. Magic Exploding Indexes: Yes, Lists are a great concept but they
> can cut you in half. You cannot mix multiple lists in a single WHERE
> clause, or suffer explosion. You cannot create too many (20< if that
> sounds like too many) indexes, you will have them explode. Lists are a
> double-edged sword which cut you a lot more than help you.
> 7. In 2008, GAE keeps on making you reinvent the wheel: As a
> webapplication/startup, the most important thing is feature velocity.
> How fast can you deliver features? With GAE, some very common
> functionality has to be reinvented over and over. To the point where
> it consumes so much time that the cost-time benefits are completely
> lost.
> 8. No HTTPS. Toy apps aside (apologies to wordle and buddypoke), if
> google wants serious applications it NEEDS to add HTTPS support. In
> this day and age of trust building, colored address-bar to peace of
> mind; you cannot leave this feature out.
> 9. Dev Server is broken. The local test server doesn't work on half
> our development systems. Its broken. Its results do not reflect the
> behavior of GAE itself. It won't do simple things like load static
> files.
> 10. No support: Ofcourse, this is a preview, if you get in a mess and
> need a Googler's attention; it's up to their discretion and leisure
> time do they respond to you. Nothing is binding at this time; you're
> not paying them anything yet.
> 11. GAE Admin is NO replacement for the Django Admin. But that's how
> it is portrayed in the GAE's documentation. You think that Google's
> Admin is a replacement for django's admin. Boy, are you wrong. The GAE
> admin is a very limited app; on dev server it will keep throwing
> errors at you. The app looks more like a backend for programmers where
> as the whole point of the django admin was to allow for "admin USERS"
> to access it and make changes to the data. In its current form, it
> can't be used by non-tech-savy users.
> 12. Very slow GAE upgrades: The GAE team is very slow on introducing
> changes to appengine. For something that's targeted for release by the
> end of the year, this is not at all going to the pace required.
> 13. No roadmap shared: We'd all shutup on the features if Google said
> "we're working on it, it'll be out"; Google won't even say it's
> working on it or that there is work being done
> I'm a big fan of Django and when Google announced a scalable web
> application framework with Django, I was thrilled! But I have been
> very disappointed. This "preview" is not up to the level of Google's
> "previews". Google has shown us that it has high quality standards so
> much so that we trust it with our private email, docs etc whereas all
> these services are in Beta.
> My software shop had a team of 6 GAE developers, but until GAE can get
> it's act together, we're pulling away from it. The time and money
> wasted on getting simple things to work is atrocious and the light at
> the end of the tunnel is just way too far away.
> WS
> -Nash
> On Oct 3, 11:52 pm, Aral Balkan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just wrote up a blog post summarizing the biggest issues I have with
> > App Engine:
> > If you are developing real-world/commercial apps with App Engine,
> > please add your thoughts to the discussion.
> > Thanks,
> > Aral
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