I agree jay, the most important feature for me right now is getting
the payment system in place. One thing that is not clear to me is if
we will be able to buy more Puts-per-hour so that we aren't taken
offline for a legitimate spike in traffic. I'm not sure how I would
tell me clients to *slowly* ramp up their usage :) (now if there was a
queue in GAE that I could dump to and slowly add from the background,
i would gladly use it). I've looked at SimpleDB too and the lack of
Put limits makes it far easier to test a real-world application.

some notes on this from yesterday's chat that were somewhat

[09:29am] ryan_google: billing will include user-definable budgets,
notifications, and other tools to let you ensure that you're not cut

[09:52am] danielobrien: Vamsi: Billing is sometime between now and the
of march, not necessarily march itself. <--maybe March, yuck

[09:57am] marzia_google: bFlood: we are trying to release some form
billing by the end of the year, but the exact timeline and form of
such a
release is yet to be determined

On Nov 19, 10:12 pm, "Jay Freeman \(saurik\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It seems to me like, if this were a problem, then Google isn't doing their
> job when it comes to scaling our applications. When I'm using Amazon's S3 or
> their SimpleDB (or, for the most part, EC2) I just have to think about "how
> much I pay for per GB used and per GB transferred". Amazon provides me
> almost no limitations on how much data I can store or how quickly I can
> access it, so why does Google? Is Amazon's ability to install more servers
> to handle increased load fundamentally greater than that of Google's? I wish
> less time was spent on quotas, even on features... even on /fixing bugs/
> (and yes, even those which I consider to be blocking issues), and more time
> was spent on billing infrastructure so I could start paying them to scale in
> the way my application actually needs rather than in the ways they are
> willing to provide out of the kindness of their giant Google hearts for
> free. :( -J
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Barry Hunter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 10:57 AM
> To: <google-appengine@googlegroups.com>
> Subject: [google-appengine] Re: quotas in appengine
> > Remember AppEngine is a 'shared' environment - lots of apps are all
> > using a slice of the same resources.
> > Would you rather that someone (maliciously or simply though ignorance)
> > monopolizes all the resources (even if they are paying) and that
> > brings your app (though no fault of your own) to a standstill.
> ...
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