I'm a Flash designer building an app in AppEngine.  My knowledge of OO
principles is based on my experiences in Flash.

Consider the following from models.py:

class Question(BaseModel):
        prompt = db.StringProperty(required = True)

class ShortAnswerQuestion(Question):
        multiline = db.BooleanProperty(default = True)

class MultipleChoiceQuestion(Question):
        choices = db.ListProperty(str)

The properties that apply to all questions are in Question, with
subclasses to describe unique cases.  Now if I know the key name of a
question, I ought to be able to do this:

question = Question.get_by_key_name('question1')

However, that doesn't work.  question has been set to None.  To get
the expected behavior, I have to use the particular subclass, like so:

question = ShortAnswerQuestion.get_by_key_name('question1')

For obvious reasons, I don't know what subclass the elements I'm
looking for are - I only know the key_name and that they descend from
the superclass Question.  What is the correct way to convert a
key_name into an object in this situation?

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