> Oh ok.. so it is possible to catch that. It's datastore.Timeout and
> not db.Timeout, right? I was confused because when I see it in the
> logs I saw: raise _ToDatastoreError(err), so I wasn't sure how to
> catch it since that exception covers pretty much any issue with
> writing to the datastore, not just timeouts.
Actually google.appengine.ext.db.Timeout and
google.appengine.api.datastore_errors.Timeout is the same class, check
google/appengine/ext/db/__init__.py, line 105.

db.Timeout is documented here [1], the one from datastore_errors is
not a part of documented public API and thus can change. It's safer to
use db.Timeout in your code.

[1] http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/datastore/exceptions.html

> (Sorry, I didn't start using python until I started using
> appengine, so still learning here)
Neither did I :) You can skim through the chapter of the tutorial that
covers exceptions, it's pretty short and very well written:

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