Hmm. So basically this would sum it up:?

1. If I use SSL, I can rely on the cookies?

2. If I don't use SSL and use another provider for the password check
(like OpenID, etc.), I need to take your advice on Sessions expiring?

Am I correct?

And, what are the real chances of a hacker intercepting traffic?

On Jan 24, 6:41 pm, Greg <> wrote:
> On Jan 24, 10:10 am, Andrew Badera <> wrote:
> > Typically, or at least in my experience, salting is
> > md5/sha1/whatever(password+salt) rather than md5(md5(password)+salt) ...
> If you just hash the password plus the salt, you need to store the
> password on the server. This is bad, both because servers are
> vulnerable and also because at some stage you have to transmit the
> password in clear. So you transmit (and store) the hash of the
> password, which means you need to hash it twice when you login.
> > But can't the attackers simply spoof a request with that session id in
> > the cookies?
> Yes, but only while the session is valid. At the very least make your
> sessions expire frequently, and make logging out enticing for users.
> And you could also make their IP address part of the salt, and have
> the server check it. This limits attacks to your internal network.
> Cheers!
> Greg.
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