Hi Alex,

On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 6:17 PM, Alex Popescu
<the.mindstorm.mailingl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I appreciate hearing from you that you are aware of these issues. And
> I hope to hear soon a confirmation that issues have been solved.
> Anyways, I'd like to know that once you are aware of such problems you
> would let us know so we don't panic, wake up in the middle of the
> night and start calling people to debug the application to finally
> figure out that there is nothing we can do.
> It is the same story as the maintenance window announcement. I had to
> scan the forum many times to find it out, when normally it should have
> been on the front page in large font.

Yes, I totally understand what you're saying here.

We did post to the Status Site
(http://code.google.com/status/appengine) that we had an ongoing
issue. We also posted to our downtime notify group around 1pm (20
minutes after you sent your initial email), noting that we're having a
latency issue:


I'd also like to note that one of the goals of the Status Site is to
make this information readily available so our users know an issue is
happening before we even post information; in this regard I believe
the site was successful, as you can see the affected graphs here:



All that said, we did not provide as much detail as we could have, or
make it clear enough how many applications were being affected. We
will try our best to better communicate this information in the
future. I'm sorry for the panic it may have caused you!

> And it is the same story with the datastore outage last week which was
> reported as memcache throughput issues while I've clearly shown that
> the datastore was unusable.

Could you please point me to this information or any data on the State
Site that goes along with this? I'd like to investigate further.

> I hate criticizing, but I really hope that you'll take away what is to
> be learnt from this and that the service (including the community
> management) will get better soon.

No, the criticism is constructive and helpful. I think there is
definitely room for improvement on our side. Thanks for your patience,


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