Hi there,

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Bemmu <bemmu....@gmail.com> wrote:
> First of all, thanks for the great development environment. It has
> been a pleasure to use it.


> I was testing my app when no-one else was still using it, and was
> getting response times of 0.5 - 3 seconds. My app calls MySpace over
> REST and then fetches about 100 datastore objects on each call, so
> AFAIK it is mostly waiting for MySpace to respond.
> Then I released it to the public, and started getting 72 requests /
> second, which is what I expected because the app is visible in a lot
> of peoples' profile boxes on MySpace. What I didn't expect was that
> the response times from App Engine suddenly went to over 10 seconds,
> causing MySpace to consider it a timeout.

Has the performance improved here? Looks like it has to me, but I want
to be sure.

> Isn't App Engine supposed to allocate enough resources automatically
> to scale my app? I repeated the test, unreleasing and re-releasing the
> app and it clearly affects the response times.

Part of this has to do with the way we scale out your application in
response to demand. Our system is optimized to handle natural traffic
patterns. When you go from zero to 72 requests per second in the span
of a couple minutes you are likely seeing additional latency as your
application gets distributed to multiple instances. The best way to
load test on App Engine is to slowly increase the load from zero to
some percentage of your target qps over the span of 15-20 minutes,
followed by the full brunt of the load after that.

One of our teammates explains this idea in a talk he gave at Google I/O.


We're going to add this information to our FAQ (and maybe and article)
so people won't hit this issue in the future. Is there anything else
we could have done to make this more understandable?

One other thing: if you realize that you need to throw even more load
at us that you already have, please read this documentation about our
quota burst limits:

By filling out the linked form we can help you accommodate more load
than our billing system automatically allows for at the present time.


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