> Some user reported a problem and wanted to know if Google had any plan
> to solve it. That equates to wanting a "guarantee" in your world?  Some
> kind of twisted world you live in there.

When considering a plan to solve a problem, I think that it's
reasonable to consider whether said plan will actually solve the
problem.  Why?  Because if a plan doesn't solve the problem, the
problem still exists.

I am willing to assume that Google is doing what it can reasonably do
about this.  The continued complaints suggest that the results of
those efforts are inadequate.  And, we've seen "threats" regarding
what will happen if Google doesn't come through.  Maybe those people
will be satisfied by something short of a guarantee, but ....

And, as has been noted, a Google representative posted a solution and
was ignored.

On Apr 6, 11:33 pm, Andy <selforgani...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Yes, I do.
> I'm glad you finally learn the word "obligation". Too bad you didn't
> learn it earlier when you spewed your nonsense that obligation can
> only come from "laws and contracts".
> Feel free to consult a dictionary first next time when you find
> yourself once again tempted to use a big word you don't understand.
> > I'm not angry.
> Good for you. Definitely worth reporting back to your anger management
> counselor
> > I'm merely pointing out that Google's
> > capabilities in this area are limited, that they need to take their
> > complaints elsewhere if they want guarantees.
> Who's talking about "guarantees"?
> Some user reported a problem and wanted to know if Google had any plan
> to solve it. That equates to wanting a "guarantee" in your world? Some
> kind of twisted world you live in there.
> In fact the only person who even brought up the word "guarantee" is
> you.
> Do you always argue against your own strawman like that?
> > Do you really believe that Google can honor a promise that a given
> > site won't be blocked if the Chinese govt wants to block said site?
> > (Feel free to assume that the site is hosted in China.)
> Who's talking about "promise that a given site won't be blocked" other
> than you?
> Once again you're the only person to use words like "guarantees" and
> "promise"
> You must be really busy arguing with your own strawman like that...
> > I merely pointed out that Google can't do as they ask
> And you're the spokesperson of Google? self-appointed?
> This is what the OP asked: "Does Google have a plan for dealing with
> this?"
> No different than any other threads that are also about reporting
> problems and asking for solutions.
> For whatever reason such a simple question bothers you tremendously.
> To such a degree that you felt compelled to spew nonsense such as
> "Google can't do as they ask", when in fact you have
> no standing to speak for Google on what they can or cannot do.
> So the real question is why does the simple question "Does Google have
> a plan for dealing with this?" bother you so much?
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