> It's the plain meaning of the word.  I apologise for not knowing that
> you didn't know what it meant when you wrote that Google had an
> obligation to make GAE available in China.  Are there other statements
> that you made without understanding their meaning?

If you think "obligation" only refers to "legal obligation", you are,
as usual, very mistaken.

>From the dictionary:
A social, legal, or moral requirement

Do you see the words "social" and "moral" in addition to "legal" in
the definition for "obligation"? Do you even understand what those
words mean? Feel free to look them up. I have an obligation to provide
the best service to my clients. Does that mean I'm legally required to
do that? Of course not. But is it still an obligation? Absolutely. Can
you keep driveling on about things you don't know about? I wouldn't
bet against that.

I apologize for not knowing that you didn't know what it meant when
you wrote that obligation only means legal obligation.  Are there
other statements that you made without understanding their meaning?

Next time when you find yourself once again talking about something
you clearly know nothing about, I highly recommend consulting a

That or keep your mouth closed. Better to keep your mouth shut and be
thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt

> China availability issue is one of the few issues where folks claim
> that/act like Google has an obligation

Let me get this straight:

Some users reported a problem and wanted to know if Google has any
plan to address the problem. For whatever reason that makes you very

Newsflash: this entire forum is full of threads reporting problems
with GAE and asking about Google's plan to fix those problems. Are you
going to post your "Google has no legal obligation to solve your
problem!" response to every single one of those threads?

> And the basis for this order is...

The same basis that compelled you to feel justified in ordering others
not to report problems and not to ask for Google's help in solving
their problems. So you tell me.
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