You can write a function that does it

def updateAttr(obj, **kwds):
    if obj is None: return
    for k,v in kwds.iteritems():
me = MyEnt.all().filter("index =", index).get()
updateAttr(me, title = title, name=name, public=False)

2009/5/17 <>:
> When one creates a new entity one can give all the parameters to the
> constructor:
> MyEnt(title=title, name=name, public=True, ...)
> But if I modify an entity already stored I need to write it in single
> lines:
> me = MyEnt.all().filter("index =", index).fetch(1)[0]
> me.title = title
> me.public=False
> ...
> is there a shorter way to do this?
> >

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