Okay, I'm just going to leave my app in a broken state so that someone
from Google can look at this.  I've been dealing with these broken
indices for a long time.  Shouldn't we be able to trust the indices?

Here's a link in the datastore explorer to the GQL query that's messed
up.  Hopefully a Googler will have the admin access to see this view.


Note that the entity with ID/Name 128120 is the first entity in the
index even though there are thousands of other entities that should be
in front of it.  I have tried re-saving this entity many times, with
the same and then different values, but it is stuck at this position
in the index.  In the past the only way I've been able to fix the
index was by deleting the entity -- not cool.

Please would someone from Google tell us what's up here, and if you're
really kind, copy the message to my via email as well?

Thanks in advance.  I <3 GAE and want to <3 it even more.
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