Hi Thegremlin,

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:12 AM, Thegremlin <eddie.har...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all ,
>   I am trying to get started with GoogleApp and i am reading as much
> as i can about it.
>   I have a few questions about it.
>  1. I understood that the DB is not a treditional DB. In the example
> (shoutout) they show how to store and get data from the DB, however
> what if i need to store different data in different DB's ?

Only one datastore is available per application. You can shard your data by
adding fields to your models, and querying based on them.

>   Lets take for example an application that handles expences of a
> "any" google user.
>   user "A" uses it and then comes user "B" and user "C" etc... after
> while user "A" loggs in again and wants
>   to get his data, this means i need to go over all the data in the
> data store in order to see wich records are
>   user "A" records ... is there a way to open a "DB" for a user ...
> so when the user runs this application system will only "know" user
> "A" data ?
>  2. I dont come from "webapp" programming background, and i find the
> tutorials and docs very very hard to understand, are there any other
> resources ?

You may like http://www.appenginelearn.com/. The author, Charles Severance,
has recently published a very good book based on this content, called Using
Google App Engine.

-Nick Johnson

> thanks  ,
> >

Nick Johnson, App Engine Developer Programs Engineer
Google Ireland Ltd. :: Registered in Dublin, Ireland, Registration Number:

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