I have a wiki like app.

The basic model is a page which has title(StringProperty) and a body
(TextProperty) properties. It all seems to work well, but I'm not sure
how well my model will scale. The problem I see is that I want to have
an "Index" page, which lists all other pages.

My concern is when a model object is loaded in GAE all property fields
are also loaded in from the store at the same time. That would seem to
post a problem with my app on index pages, because it would mean when
someone visits the index page both the title (which I want) and body
(which I don't need) for all pages would need to be loaded from the
store. Loading the body in this case seems wasteful, and possibly very
problematic performance wise on a site with many pages.

My questions:

1. Is this a problem that other people are worrying about, should I
worry about it? I could solve the problem by dividing my page model
into two separate models... on that contained the title and a
reference to another model which would contain page body. That should
make the index page scale, but it complicates the rest of the app. I'd
prefer to avoid that rout if possible.

2. Is there, or is there a future possibility to specify that certain
fields in a model are lazy load, not fetched and returned in the
initial query?

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