Hi Jesse,

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 10:49 PM, Jesse Grosjean

> I have a wiki like app.
> The basic model is a page which has title(StringProperty) and a body
> (TextProperty) properties. It all seems to work well, but I'm not sure
> how well my model will scale. The problem I see is that I want to have
> an "Index" page, which lists all other pages.

Showing every single page in the wiki isn't going to scale very well from
either a datastore point of view, or a user-interface one - a list of
thousands of entries is not generally very useful to users. :)

> My concern is when a model object is loaded in GAE all property fields
> are also loaded in from the store at the same time. That would seem to
> post a problem with my app on index pages, because it would mean when
> someone visits the index page both the title (which I want) and body
> (which I don't need) for all pages would need to be loaded from the
> store. Loading the body in this case seems wasteful, and possibly very
> problematic performance wise on a site with many pages.

If you use the key_name functionality of the datastore, you can name Page
entities after their titles, which will allow you to retrieve pages with a
get operation instead of a query. It'll also mean you can do keys-only
queries to retrieve a list of pages matching a particular query, without
having to retrieve the page contents.

> My questions:
> 1. Is this a problem that other people are worrying about, should I
> worry about it? I could solve the problem by dividing my page model
> into two separate models... on that contained the title and a
> reference to another model which would contain page body. That should
> make the index page scale, but it complicates the rest of the app. I'd
> prefer to avoid that rout if possible.

That's also a possible approach, especially if you have other metadata you
often want to retrieve without retrieving the body of the page.

> 2. Is there, or is there a future possibility to specify that certain
> fields in a model are lazy load, not fetched and returned in the
> initial query?

This is unlikely, since the entity is stored in the datastore as a single
encoded Protocol Buffer.

-Nick Johnson

> Thanks,
> Jesse
> >

Nick Johnson, App Engine Developer Programs Engineer
Google Ireland Ltd. :: Registered in Dublin, Ireland, Registration Number:

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