I have an idea, throwing it out to this group to see if it is sound.

What if there were a service in the cloud that served as an https
proxy? https://www.abc.com would resolve to this service and its sole
job would be to be a proxy for https://abc.appspot.com. Well, there is
the performance problem of the extra hop, and the trust problem of
whether we trust this service to not look at messages as it terminates
the SSL certs at either end.

Are there any other problems that anyone can see? It might be a nice
short-term solution until Google comes up with their solution.
Amazon's $0.01/hr translates to $7.20 per month. What if this service
were priced similarly? How many folks would buy it? Does such a
service already exist?

On Aug 24, 6:44 am, Kris Walker <kixxa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> repairman,
> I'm building what I hope will be a real business on GAE.  In
> particular, my system design is not possible in environments like EC2,
> because of the extra configuration and overhead involved in holding a
> static IP.  That was a design decision by Amazon.  Not having a static
> IP was a design decision by Google, and it offers a different set of
> advantages.
> If there were only a few different kinds of things on the planet that
> we could eat, we would have no chefs.  When creating a great dining
> experience for your customers you need a variety of ingredients to put
> together that 5 star dish.
> My hat is off to the GAE team for carefully considering their design
> implications.  I hope they continue to keep their ear to the crowd,
> but hold their ground to offer the ingredients we need to make great
> products, rather than just anything that everyone else has.
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