On Nov 15, 5:48 pm, fhucho <fhu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am developing a web app, where users should be able to (in this
> order):
>     1) create their item type (item type can be everything - car,
> book, movie..., item type has some user defined parameters,
> like                                        price, rating)
>     2) add items of their type - e.g. they can create book type (with
> title, author, rating parameters) and then add books
>     3) view, filter (at least by one parameter), delete, edit their
> items
> How should I design the data model? Is this even posible in App
> Engine?
> Thanks in advance
django has impressive builtin editor for our models with
djangoforms.ModelForm seen on
Theoretically the create "CRUD" and/or factory pattern
I recommend and use for likewise. The categoryproperty.db
seems obvious choice which needs documention how it differs from a
word. app I maintain has similar function, create item, add item,
edit, view, filter by longitude latitude and/or category
(www.koolbusiness.com/ai) sourced montao.googlecode.com
Nick RTZ


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