On Nov 16, 6:11 am, fhucho <fhu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Unfortunately, I'm not using Python... is there a way to make this
> work in Java?

Absolutely. Even more (and harder) ways in Java. Most of the project
("CRUD") create update delete a.k.a view add delete edit  is available
via montao.googlecode.com welcome view live montao.com.br migr8ing to
gae web.montao.com.br and Indian version Fridge.Koolbusiness.com

> On Nov 16, 5:38 am, niklasr <nikla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Nov 15, 5:48 pm, fhucho <fhu...@gmail.com> wrote:> Hi,
> > > I am developing a web app, where users should be able to (in this
> > > order):
> > >     1) create their item type (item type can be everything - car,
> > > book, movie..., item type has some user defined parameters,
> > > like                                        price, rating)
> > >     2) add items of their type - e.g. they can create book type (with
> > > title, author, rating parameters) and then add books
> > >     3) view, filter (at least by one parameter), delete, edit their
> > > items
> > > How should I design the data model? Is this even posible in App
> > > Engine?
> > > Thanks in advance
> > django has impressive builtin editor for our models with
> > djangoforms.ModelForm seen 
> > onhttp://code.google.com/appengine/articles/djangoforms.html
> > Theoretically the create "CRUD" and/or factory 
> > patternhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_method_pattern
> > I recommend and use for likewise. The 
> > categoryproperty.dbhttp://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/typesandproper...
> > seems obvious choice which needs documention how it differs from a
> > word. app I maintain has similar function, create item, add item,
> > edit, view, filter by longitude latitude and/or category
> > (www.koolbusiness.com/ai) sourced montao.googlecode.com
> > Sincerely
> > Nick RTZ


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